With the new patch the EA eye and makeup RLE2 textures are now empty and there's another resource (type 0x2BC04EDF, named LRLE) with the same instance number that afaik is a new type. As of V3.0 this tool will rename the package if you try to save with the original name. Do not save with the same name as the original package - You'll get an error and it could ruin the original package. Please save as a new package and keep the original just in case. This is very quick and dirty, so please consider it to be beta-ish and report problems. Shine removers should work with texture-only packages fixed with this tool. Eye Shine Removers conflict with eye packages fixed by this tool with CASPs since they both replace the default eye color CASPs. Be sure to keep the original if you need to work with the package. Speaking of, the textures in texture-only packages fixed by this tool will be unreadable by any of the standard tools. Non-default items could be broken or become unusable in S4S or CAS Tools.

I don't recommend using this on merged packages. Mac users: This site has a collection of fixed eye replacements by creators who are no longer active. Texture-only will not show the CC wrench icon. Will optionally remove shine if you choose the 'with CASPs' option. Now supports texture-only default replacements, both as fixed texture-only defaults or with CASPs. In V3 it will rename the package if you try to save over the original.) Replace the original package with the new one in your Mods folder. When the tool is finished save as a new package with a new name. To use, extract TS4DefaultsFixer_3_0_0_0.exe and DefaultCASPs.package from the zip to the same location and run TS4DefaultsFixer_3_0_0_0.exe.

Version 3.0 has been tested with human and alien eyes, brows, and skins. They are essentially extra swatches, and won't replace anything.This is a very simple tool to fix default replacement eyes, eyebrows, makeup, and skins that were broken by the June 3 and Oct. The contacts can be found in the Face Paint section, and the Non-Defaults can be found with the other eye colours. If you choose default replacements, please make sure that you don't have any other default replacement eye files in your mods folder, or they will conflict and you won't be able to change your sims eyes. Default replacements, non-defaults or contacts.These eyes have been up for a while on my Simblr, but I forgot to upload them here, so here they are for anybody who may like them!

UPDATE - Now fixed for infants! - Also fixed Vampire eyes being strange and floating on other ages: redownload the replacements file and download the extra file for infants if you'd like it!